Zoeva Cocoa Blend Eyeshadow Palette

    Ok,cred ca nu este o surpriza pentru nimeni faptul ca noi,femeile, nu ne putem abtine de la cumparaturi,chiar si atunci cand avem n exemplare din acelasi lucru:)).Cum eu nu pot fi o exceptie de la acest fapt,am decis ca nu erau suficiente paletele si fardurile individuale pe care le aveam si am zis sa mai adaug una la colectie.Bine,in apararea mea pot spune ca am fost tentata de o buna prietena care acum este in Danemarca si care, a fost mai mult decat draguta sa o achizitioneze pentru mine(deoarece la noi in Romania nu se gaseste).
    Asa ca am hotarat,la recomandarile si laudele ei,ca trebuie neaparat sa am si eu o astfel de frumusete in colectie.Astfel,azi o sa va arat si o sa va fac un mic review la paleta Zoeva Cocoa Blend.

      Ok,I think there's no surprise the fact that we,women,cannot restrain ourselves from shopping,even through we have many examples of the same thing.Since I cannot be an exception from this,I decided I didn't had enough palettes and single eyeshadows and I said to add another one to my collection(overshopping didn't kill anyone:)) ).Well,in my defence I can say that I was tempted by a good girlfriend of mine who now lives in Denmark and was more than a sweetheart to buy it for me(because we cannot find them here,in Romania).
   So I decided, based on her recommendations and praises, that I definitely need to have such a beauty in my collection.That's why today I'm gonna show and make you a little review for the Zoeva Cocoa Blend Eyeshadow Palette.

  Dupa cum puteti vedea,paleta este una cu farduri neutre,care pot fi adaptate atat pentru machiajul de zi cu zi,cat si pentru unul mai extravagant si mai dramatic.

   As you can see,the palette has neutral shades which can be adapted for a day to day make-up or for a more extravagant and dramatic look.
  • fardurile sunt extrem de pigmentate(swatch-urile de pe mana sunt facute fara primer)
  • paleta contine 10 nuante diferite
  • contine  4 farduri mate(bitter start,substitute for love,freshly toasted,beans are white),5 sidefate si un fard cu sclipici (infusion)
  • cu un primer pot rezista fara nicio problema o noapte intreaga,daca nu si mai mult(eu recomand primer-ul de la Radiant)
  • ambalajul este superb

  • the eyeshadows are very pigmented(the swatches are made without a base underneath)
  • the palette contains 10 different eyeshadows
  • has 4 matter shades( bitter start,substitute for love,freshly toasted,beans are white),5 shimmery and one eyeshadow with glitter(infusion)
  • with a base underneath it can least the hole night,if not much longer(I recommend the Radiant primer)
  • the packaging it's amazing


  • nu pot fi cumparate decat de pe site-ul Zoeva  ( https://www.zoeva-shop.de/ )
  • pretul ar putea fi un dezavantaj deoarece este 17,50 euro+shipping-ul,chit ca eu consider ca se merita fiecare banut
  • you can only buy them from the Zoeva site(that applies for romanian people,I don't know about other countries)
  • the price may be a disadvantage because it's 17,50 E+shipping,but I think it's worth every penny

 Cam asta ar fi tot fetelor,overall,va pot spune sincer ca recomand din toata inima aceasta paleta si ca probabil o sa-mi mai cumpar si alte palete de la ei.
  That would be it girls,overall I can sincerely tell you that I recommend this palette from the bottom of my heart and probably I'm gonna buy more from them.


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